What Is Trad Climbing? (Beginner’s Start With This Guide)

What is trad climbing and how does it differ from other forms of climbing? The term trad climbing was coiled after the birth sport climbing or pre-bolted climbing routes. It’s a discipline of climbing where the climber places own protective gear on the wall to prevent falling. You can climb wherever you want without restrictions. Most […]
How To Clean Climbing Shoes (Get Rid Of That Funky Smell!)

Hello climbers! Today I want to be brutally honest with you. Our scorecard is often poor when rating the cleanest and most well-groomed individuals. Our days are spent away from home, in tents or cars near the mountains or cliffs doing what we love most; climbing. Now, picture yourself wearing your beloved pair of climbing shoes […]
How To Get Better At Bouldering (Improve Your Climbing Fast)

You finally decided to take the fun in life a notch higher. This time you are planning to hit a plateau and test your bouldering skills. There could be a host of challenges in this new hobby but learning how to boulder will make your climbing exercises hassle-free. Check out our guide on how to get […]
What To Wear Rock Climbing (Indoor & Outdoor Clothing)

You’ve done it… you’ve decided to try your hand (and feet) at rock climbing. However, if you’ve ever made a spontaneous decision to climb at your local sporting goods store or mall, you’ve definitely had an unprepared experience or two in your life. Fear not! I am here to get you thinking about what to […]
What Is Sport Climbing? (Everything You Need To Know)

Hanging from the side of nature’s beautifully sculpted peaks, experiencing a shot of serene and adrenaline, sport climbing gives you the ultimate opportunity to taste what flying feels like without using wings or machines. So folks, what is sport climbing, and what necessary gear is required for this type of climbing adventure? I have compiled […]
How To Start Rock Climbing (Complete Guide For Beginners)

You have been looking for an activity than can fetch fun, fitness, and a healthy dose of adrenaline, and you settled for rock climbing. It is a worthwhile undertaking with legions of exciting adventures, and it boosts your fitness and health. Besides, it helps you meet and connect with new friends. You may want to […]
12 Best Climbing Movies Of All Time (Get The Popcorn Ready!)

The legendary director Orson Welles once scoffed, “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.” If that is the case, there are no greater friends to film than the world’s most magnificent mountains and the bravely insane souls who dare to climb and film them. Here is the list of the best climbing movies […]